SMA Cable Video - SMA Bulkhead Cable with Brown Coaxial Cable RG316 + TD, 100mm

26/04/2023 Frost

This SMA bulkhead cable features a brown RG316 coaxial cable with a length of 100mm. It has two SMA female connectors in straight/180° direction, with one being a bulkhead type.

Product Description:

This SMA bulkhead cable features a brown RG316 coaxial cable with a length of 100mm. It has two SMA female connectors in straight/180° direction, with one being a bulkhead type. This cable is commonly used for wireless communication and wireless LAN applications, including mobile phones, PCs, GPS, network storage equipment, technology, lighting, remote control, etc. It comes pre-assembled with different RF connectors for choice, and the size and cable length can be customized according to your needs. The cable is high quality and comes with a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. From the OEM original factory, it has the same quality as other similar cables but at a better price.

Technical Specifications:

Frequency Range: DC-6GHz

Impedance: 50Ω

VSWR: 1.5 Max

Insertion Loss: 1.8db

Insulation Resistance: ≥5000MΩ

Power Handling: 2W(cw)

Working Temperature: -40°C to +85°C


Wireless communication and wireless LAN

Mobile phones, PCs, GPS, network storage equipment, technology, lighting, remote control, etc.


Product SKU: EB-101-0013

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