Are SMA Connectors Waterproof? What You Need to Know

13/03/2023 Frost

The short answer is that SMA connectors are not inherently waterproof, but there are waterproof versions available that are designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions.

SMA connectors are a popular type of RF coaxial connector used in many electronics applications. However, a key question many engineers and hobbyists have is whether SMA connectors are waterproof and can withstand water or moisture exposure. 

The short answer is that SMA connectors are not inherently waterproof, but there are waterproof versions available that are designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions. In this article, we will discuss the proper use of SMA connectors in wet or damp environments.

What are SMA Connectors?

SMA stands for SubMiniature version A. SMA connectors are threaded coaxial RF connectors that are around half the size of standard connectors like N or F-connectors. They are commonly used in radio, wireless, and microwave systems where minimizing size and weight is important. The male SMA connector has a protruding center pin, while the female connector has an outer shell and a receptacle to accept the male pin.

Are SMA Connectors Waterproof?

Standard SMA connectors are not waterproof and can be easily damaged when exposed to moisture or water. This is because SMA connectors are designed for indoor use, and their internal components are not designed to withstand moisture or water. When exposed to moisture or water, the internal components of SMA connectors can corrode, leading to signal loss or complete failure.

However, there are waterproof versions of SMA connectors that are designed to withstand moisture and water. These connectors are often used in outdoor applications, such as telecommunications, marine, and military applications, where exposure to moisture or water is common.

When SMA Connectors Are Water Resistant

Basic SMA connectors made of stainless steel and other water-resistant materials are reasonably water-resistant in normal conditions. As long as they are fully threaded together and undamaged, brief exposure to moisture or minor splashes of water are unlikely to affect most SMA connections. However, submersion in water or prolonged exposure to wet environments can still seep into the inner contact areas and damage or corrode the connectors. Using dielectric grease in the connectors can help improve water resistance for basic environmental exposure.

Waterproof vs. Water-Resistant SMAs

For applications where SMA connectors may be frequently exposed to water or submerged, waterproof SMA connectors are available. These typically have additional sealing features like O-rings or gaskets and may have waterproof molded boots or housing to keep all internal components fully sealed from water. These types of sealed and waterproof SMA connectors are necessary for uses like underwater cameras, marine electronics, and other wet environment devices. Standard SMA connectors should not be considered waterproof, only potentially water-resistant.

In summary, regular SMA coaxial connectors can withstand minor moisture exposure, but for sustained water exposure, proper waterproof versions are necessary. With the range of options available, engineers and designers can choose the right type of SMA connector for their needed level of water resistance or proofing. Using the appropriate connectors for the environment helps ensure reliable performance and avoids damage to devices and systems.

ELECBEE offers various types of custom SMA connectors. If you can't find a waterproof SMA connector that meets your requirements in our store, you can directly communicate with our technical personnel in real-time on our website or send an email to

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