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  • Terms of use
    Please read all these terms and conditions.
    As we can accept your order and make a legally enforceable agreement without further reference to you, you must read these terms and conditions to make sure that they contain all that you want and nothing that you are not happy with. If you are not sure about anything, just phone us.
    Dongguan Elecbee Technology Co. Ltd
  • Application

    1.These terms and conditions will apply to the purchase of the goods by the customer, trading as Elecbee.

    2.These are the terms on which we sell all goods to you. By ordering any of the Goods, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and our return policy.

  • Interpretation

    3.Consumer means an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside his or her trade, business, craft or profession;

    4.Contract means the legally binding agreement between you and us for the sale and purchase of the Goods;

    5.Delivery Location means the supplier's premises or other location where the goods are to be supplied, as set out in the Order;

    6.Goods means any goods that we supply to you, of the number and description as set out in the order;

    7.Order means the Customer's order for the Goods from the Supplier as set out in the Customer's order or in the Customer's written acceptance of the Supplier's quotation.

  • Goods

    8.The description of the Goods is as set out in our website, catalogs, brochures or other forms of advertisement. Any description is for illustrative purposes only and there may be small discrepancies in color or size.

    9.In the case of Goods made to your special requirements, it is your responsibility to ensure that any information you provide is accurate.

  • What information do we use?
    Dongguan Elecbee Technology Co. Ltd
  • Basis of Sale

    10.The description of the Goods in our website, catalogs, brochures or other forms of an advertisement does not constitute a contractual offer to sell the Goods.

    11.When an Order has been made, we can reject it for any reason, although we will try to tell you the reason without delay.

    12.A Contract will be formed for the Goods ordered, only upon the Supplier sending an email to the Customer saying that the Order has been accepted or if earlier, the Supplier's delivery of the Goods to the Customer.

    13.Any quotation is valid for a maximum period of 7 days from its date, unless we expressly withdraw it at an earlier time.

    14.No variation of the Contract, whether about description of the Goods, price or otherwise, can be made after it has been entered into unless the variation is agreed by the Customer and Supplier in writing.

    15.We intend that these Terms and Conditions apply only to a Contract entered into by you as a Consumer where we, the Supplier and you the Customer, enter the Contract at any of the Supplier's business premises, and where the Contract is not a contract (i)for which an offer was made by the customer in the Supplier's and the Customer's simultaneous physical presence away from those premises, or(ii) made immediately after the Customer was personally and individually addressed in the Supplier's and the Customer's simultaneous physical presence away from those premises. If this is not the case, you must tell us, so that we can provide you with a different contract with terms which are more appropriate to you and which might, in some way, be better for you, eg by giving cancellation rights pursuant to consumer protection law. Business premises means immovable retail premises where we carry on business on a permanent basis or, in the case of movable retail premises, on a usual basis.

    16.Member agrees to provide all necessary information, materials and approval, and render all reasonable assistance and cooperation necessary for Elecbee’s provision of the Services, evaluating whether Member has breached the Terms and/or handling any complaint against the Member. If Member’s failure to do so results in delay in, or suspension or termination of, the provision of any Service, Elecbee shall not be obliged to extend the relevant service period nor shall be liable for any loss or damages arising from such delay, suspension or termination.

  • Price and Payment

    17.The price of the Goods and any additional delivery or other charges for the Goods, and the total price of them and the charges, is that set out in our price list current at the date we accepted the order or such other price as we may agree in writing.

    18.Prices and charges include VAT at the rate applicable at the time of the Order.

    19.Payment for Goods must be made at least 1 day in advance of delivery. You must pay in cash, by Paypal or by submitting your credit or debit card details with your order and we can take payment immediately or otherwise before delivery of the Goods.

  • Delivery

    20.We will deliver the Goods to the Delivery Location by the time or within the period agreed, or failing any agreement, without undue delay and, in any event, not more than 60 days after the day on which the Contract is entered into.

    21.In any case, regardless of events beyond our control, if we do not deliver the Goods on time, you can(in addition to any other remedies) treat the Contract at an end if:

    a. We have refused to deliver the Goods, or if delivery on time is essential taking into account all the relevant circumstances at the time the contract was made, or if you told us before the Contract was made that delivery on time was essential; or

    b. After we have failed to deliver on time, you have specified a later period which is appropriate to the circumstances and we have not delivered within that period.

    22.If you treat the Contract at an end, we will(in addition to other remedies) promptly return all payments made under the Contract.

    23.If you were entitled to treat the Contract at an end, but do not do so, you are not prevented from canceling the Order for any Goods or rejecting Goods that have been delivered and, if you do this, we will (in addition to other remedies) without delay return all payments made under the Contract for any such canceled or rejected Goods. If the Goods have been delivered, you must return them or allow us to collect them from you and we will pay the costs of this.

    24.If any Goods form a commercial unit (a unit is a commercial unit if the division of the unit would materially impair the value of the goods or the character of the unit) you cannot cancel or reject the Order for some of those Goods without also canceling or rejecting the Order for the rest of them.

    25.You agree we may deliver the Goods in installments if we suffer a shortage of stock or other genuine and fair reason, subject to the above provisions and provided you are not liable for extra charges.

    26.If you or your nominee fail, through no fault of ours, to take delivery of the Goods at the Delivery Location, we may charge the reasonable costs of storing and redelivering them.

    27.The Goods will become your responsibility from the completion of delivery or Customer collection. You must, if reasonably practicable, examine the Goods before accepting them.

  • Risk and Title

    28.Risk of damage to, or loss of, the Goods will pass to you when the Goods are delivered to you.

    29.You do not own the Goods until we have received payment in full. If full payment is overdue or a step occurs towards your bankruptcy, we can choose, by notice to cancel any delivery and end any right to use the Goods still owned by you, in which case you must return them or allow us to collect them.

  • Withdrawal

    30.You can withdraw the Order by telling us before the Contract is made, if you simply wish to change your mind and without giving us a reason, and without incurring any liability.

  • Conformity and Guarantee

    31.We have a legal duty to supply the Goods in conformity with the Contract, and will not have conformed if it does not meet the following obligation.

    32.Upon delivery, the Goods will:

    a.be of satisfactory quality

    b.be reasonably fit for any particular purpose for which you buy the Goods which, before the Contract is made, you made known to us (unless you do not actually rely, or it is unreasonable for you to rely, on our skill and judgment) and be fit for any purpose held out by us or set out in the Contract: and

    c.Conform to their description.

    33.It is not a failure to conform if the failure has its origin in your materials.

    34.We will immediately, or within a reasonable time, give you the benefit of the free guarantee given by the manufacturer of the Goods. Details of the guarantee, including the name and address of the manufacturer, the duration and territorial scope of the guarantee, are set out in the manufacturer's guarantee provided with the Goods. This guarantee will take effect at the time the Goods are delivered, and will not reduce your legal rights.

    35.We will provide the following after-sales service:

    The contractual warranty period of our products is fixed at 6 months. The warranty period runs from the date of purchase indicated on the invoice.

    Elecbee warranty shall not apply:

    -To accessories such as but not limited to washers, nuts;

    -To normal wear of the product;

    -In case of repair or intervention on the product by any unauthorized personnel or any person outside Elecbee After-Sales Service;

    -To shocks or damage occurred during transportation directly or indirectly linked to the products warranty;

    -To the installation or use of the product in contradiction with technical and safety standards, notably, use of the product in contradiction with the guidelines indicated in the product's user manual and safety instructions;

    -To failures, defects, flaws caused by clogging, corrosion, rust, drought, humidity, excessive temperatures, sand or dust, oxidization, unless we confirm the items can withstand it by writing in advance.

    Circumstances beyond the control of either party

    36.In the event of any failure by a party because of something beyond its reasonable control:

    a.the party will advise the other party as soon as reasonably practicable; and

    b.the party's obligations will be suspended so far as is reasonable, provided that that party will act reasonably, and the party will not liable for any failure which it could not reasonably avoid, but this will not affect the Customer's above rights relating to delivery.

  • Excluding liability

    37.The Supplier does not exclude liability for : (i) any fraudulent act or omission; or (ii) for death or personal injury caused by negligence or breach of the Supplier's other legal obligations. Subject to this, the Supplier is not liable for (i) loss which was not reasonably foreseeable to both parties at the time when the Contract was made, or (ii) loss (eg loss of profit) to the Customer's business, trade, craft or profession which would not be suffered by a Consumer because the Supplier believes the Customer is not buying the Goods wholly or mainly for its business, trade, craft or profession).

  • Governing law, jurisdiction and complaints

    38.These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China

    39.We try to avoid any dispute, so we deal with complaints as follows: If a dispute occurs customers should contact us directly via support@elecbee.com. We will aim to respond with an appropriate solution within 5 days.

  • Force Majeure

    40.Under no circumstances shall Elecbee.com be held liable for any delay or failure or disruption of the content or services delivered through the Site resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces or causes beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation, Internet failures, computer, telecommunications or any other equipment failures, electrical power failures, strikes, labor disputes, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, shortages of labor or materials, fires, flood, storms, explosions, acts of God, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals or non-performance of third parties.

  • Suspension of services in Ukraine and Russia

    41.Shipping service to Ukraine and Russia is temporarily unavailable due to the Force Majeure. Please contact customer service ASAP if you have not received your package yet. The Sellers shall not be responsible for late delivery or non-delivery of the goods due to the Force Majeure.